Quality Circle
VON Day Audits
Why Are Audits Important?
The primary purpose of a VON Day Quality Audit is to provide timely data that facilitates the quality improvement goals of the collaborative. Our members have found that our audits, which are conducted intermittently throughout an improvement project, are a quick and efficient tool to help them understand where they stand in relation to others, and to provide evidence-based feedback that helps further process improvement. We aggregate data from participating neonatal units from around the world and share back reports to each local participating organization, placing their local data within a broader global perspective, while also suggesting key improvement areas on which local teams can focus.
What Support Will Participating Institutions Receive?
VON provides participating organizations with a VON Day Audit packet that includes a model IRB, detailed instructions and a manual of operations. Designated local VON Day Audit data collectors enter the data using a secure online portal that we provide. Our VON Day Audit Coordinator is available to provide coaching and technical assistance to complete the audit.
2024 VON Day Audit Dates
- October 21 – 25, 2024
Materials Links
How Does Data Collection Impact Patient Privacy Obligations?
No protected health information will be submitted to Vermont Oxford Network. However, the person performing the audit at your unit may have access to protected health information during the performance of the audit. Participants must obtain all necessary local subjects’ approvals before participating in a VON Day Quality Audit. We reserve the right to present or publish aggregated data from the audits.