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Our Responsibility to Follow Through for NICU Infants and Families

Pediatrics, December 2020

In our paper published inĀ Pediatrics, we argue that it is our responsibility to follow through to address the social determinants of health with the same energy and expertise that we devote to the technical aspects of care.

Included in the paper are 68 potentially better practices that teams and individuals can commit to today to test and implement in the unit.

Authors: Jeffrey D. Horbar, MD; Erika M. Edwards, PhD, MPH; Yolanda Ogbolu, PhD, CRNP-Neonatal, FAAN

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Quality Improvement for Health Equity and Follow Through

Health equity and follow through are central to quality improvement.

VON Quality Circle members participating in improvement collaboratives (NICQ and iNICQ) take a structured and evidence-based approach to quality improvement, including incorporating VON Potentially Better Practices for Follow Through.

VON Quality Improvement