
Thanks to VON members, over 300 research papers have been published using VON data.

Research using the Vermont Oxford Network Databases supports quality improvement by describing relevant clinical outcomes, trends over time, and improvements in the quality, safety, and value of neonatal care. Vermont Oxford Network also undertakes research to address specific questions that seek to improve the quality of neonatal care.

For more information about how Vermont Oxford Network data may be used please reference:

Featured Publications

Using the NICU Wisely: Creating more efficient and effective systems of newborn care

Analysis of VON member-submitted data has shown opportunities to create more efficient and effective integrated systems of care for infants and families.

See Videos and Publications related to Using the NICU Wisely

Our Responsibility to Follow Through for NICU Infants and Families

To achieve health equity, it is our responsibility to “follow-through” for infants and families to address the social determinants of health.

See the Paper and Potentially Better Practices for Follow Through

All Publications from Vermont Oxford Network