Quality Improvement and Education

Quality Improvement Foundations Online Course

PDSA Cycle

About the Course

This course covers quality improvement science, including VON QI foundational principles relating to teamwork and families as partners. It is designed to build a shared understanding of effective QI for all health care professionals and parent partners involved in newborn care.

The curriculum uses a sequence to achieve change, developed over 25 years of effective quality collaborative programs, to guide learners through an effective QI education journey with links to many key resources.

3.5 CME/CNE for unlimited staff at participating centers.

View the First Lesson

How to Access the Course

This course is available to Quality Circle members and centers with an Education Subscription. Members associated with enrolled centers can find the course on the My QI Programs section of the VON member portal.

New Quality Circle Membership Inquiry

Quality Circle member programs include: iNICQ “All Care is Brain Care,” Collaborative Spotlight, Quality Improvement Foundations, and Responding to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.

Cost: $7,500

Contact Us about the Quality Circle

New Education Subscription Inquiry

Education Subscriptions include the Collaborative Spotlight, Quality Improvement Foundations, and Responding to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome courses.

Cost: Annual fees for the education subscription are dependent on NICU level.

  • Level 3 and Level 4 NICU: $1,500
  • Level 2 NICU: $500
Contact Us about an Education Subscription


Lesson 1: Introduction and Overview

Lesson 2: Establish Improvement Team & Identify Project Rationale

Lesson 3: Review Evidence-Based Potentially Better Practices (PBPs)

Lesson 4: Reveal a Hierarchy of Aims

Lesson 5: Create Driver Diagram

Lesson 6: Complete Project Charter

Lesson 7: Establish a Shared Mental Model of Your Pre-Improvement Process

Lesson 8: Apply Structured Improvement Methodology

Lesson 9: Plan Do Study Act Cycles Part 1 – Plan and Do

Lesson 10: Plan Do Study Act Cycles Part 2 – Study and Act

Lesson 11: Sustaining Your Improvements

Community Support

Connect with other participants in this course and teams that are applying structured QI methodology to projects at their center. The VON Community Forum is a place to ask questions and share practices, guidelines, and new knowledge and experiences.

Visit the VON Community Forum

Turn Knowledge into Improvement!

VON Quality Circle members can participate in all courses and programs, including the iNICQ improvement collaborative. By participating in a VON collaborative, you and your team can apply structured quality improvement to focused QI projects and turn knowledge into improved outcomes for infants and families at your center.

See your Quality Circle membership options and benefits. 

QI Foundations is a benefit of Quality Circle membership