Quality Improvement at VON

Join the Quality Improvement membership that's right for your center.

The iNICQ collaborative is included in Quality Circle membership. The NICQ collaborative includes all Quality Circle benefits.

FeaturesiNICQ Quality CircleNICQ Homerooms
QI Collaborative TypeInternet-basedHomerooms (8-10 teams) with in-person and virtual meetings
Measurement and ReportingPoint prevalence audits (at least 2x/year)Custom VON data reports; data sharing within Homeroom; Point prevalence audits (at least 2x/year)
Content Webinars (6/year)YesYes
Faculty-facilitated bimonthly meetings for coaching, data-sharing, team learningNoYes
Interactive online evidence-based toolkitsYesYes
Toolkits and Videos from other All Care is Brain Care topics (includes CE)YesYes
Collaborative Kick-Off meetingNoFebruary 10-12, 2025, Minneapolis, MN
Homeroom meeting at host site including NICU immersionNoSpring 2026 1.5-2 days, host sites TBD
Fall 2025 virtual "All Care is Brain Care" meeting with QI project presentations from selected teams and facultyYesYes
Quality Congress meeting fall 2026YesYes
Community Forum for online discussionYesYes
Continuing Education Credits (CME, CNE) for all staff at hospital and Interprofessional Collaborative Education credit for family partnersYesYes
Opportunity for MOC Part 4 for all physicians participating in QI project YesYes
Faculty review of annual QI project posterYesYes
Eligibility for VON Award for Excellence in Quality ImprovementYesYes
QI Foundations online course for all hospital staff (3.5 CE)YesYes
Dedicated Quality Leader to coach and support structured QINoYes
Responding to Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome online course (8.25 CE)YesYes
Unlimited access to VON Improvement LibraryYesYes
Cost (does not include Core database fees or travel expenses for participating teams)$7,500/year (discounts for health systems and LMIC centers)$25,000/year

Potential Quality Improvement Topics

Bundling Care to Reduce Severe IVH

Bundling Care to Reduce Severe IVH

Neuroprotective Lung Strategies

Neuroprotective Lung Strategies

Promoting Parental Wellbeing and Health Equity

Promoting Parental Wellbeing and Health Equity

Optimizing Neurodevelopment for Infants with BPD

Optimizing Neurodevelopment for Infants with BPD

Learn about VON QI Membership Options

NICQ: Small group collaboration and continuous feedback/coaching from colleagues and faculty, dedicated faculty team, additional “homeroom” meetings, in-person meetings (February 2025, Spring 2026, and two days at the Quality Congress in Fall 2026).

iNICQ: Virtual collaboration with topical community throughout the year and a 1-day in-person meeting at the 2026 Quality Congress.