Improved Outcomes from VON QI Collaboratives

More than 25 Years of Measurable Improvement

VON teams have achieved measurable improvement through data-driven, disciplined QI to test and implement evidence-based practices.

  • In the mid-90s, VON QI collaborative teams reduced infection rate from 22% to 16.6% resulting in an average savings per center of $2.3 million.
  • Teams participating in our Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome internet-based collaborative reduced length of stay on average from 21 days to 19 days. Some centers had even more substantial improvements, including reduction of LOS by 9.9 days per patient for a cost savings of nearly $430,000.
  • Teams participating in iNICQ for antibiotic stewardship in newborn care reduced median Antibiotic Utilization Rate (AUR) in 2016-2017 from 16.7% to 12.1% for a 34% relative risk reduction.

Teams present improvement stories during the Improvement Science Expo and Annual Quality Congress. See more stories of improvement in the VON Improvement Library.


Pediatrics January 2001,  107 (1) 23-29; DOI:
Pediatrics January 2001,  107 (1) 14-22; DOI:
Pediatrics 2016 May;137(5):e20153835. doi: 10.1542/peds.2015-3835
VON Annual Quality Congress Proceedings 2014, New Hanover Regional Medical Center, Betty H. Cameron Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Wilmington, NC
Pediatrics December 2019,  144 (6) e20190589; DOI:

Affecting Outcomes in NICQ Homerooms

Teams in NICQ homerooms have focused on specific clinical issues or patient populations, including care of micro-premature infants, improving chronic lung disease, and optimizing nutrition.

Their work and collaboration has resulted in remarkable improvement in outcome measures compared to Vermont Oxford Network centers as a whole.

Featured Improvement Stories

Teams present improvement stories during the Improvement Science Expo and Annual Quality Congress. See how teams participating in the iNICQ for Critical Transitions have achieved their improvement goals and how this work affects health outcomes, and view other stories of improvement in the VON Improvement Library.

About VON Quality Improvement Collaboratives

Overview of VON QI programs