NICU by the Numbers Catalogue
About NICU by the Numbers
NICU by the Numbers reports are made possible by VON members who voluntarily contribute data in a global effort to improve the care of high-risk newborns. The analysis of network data describes trends and highlights areas for local improvement. VON members can log in to Nightingale or review their reports to see their center- or group-specific data and benchmark against NICU by the Numbers reports.
These reports are published in the Your VON Newsletter. To sign up to receive the newsletter, please fill out the form at the bottom of this page.

Rates of Intraventricular Hemorrhage and Severe Intraventricular Hemorrhage Remain Level Since 2012
Issue 15 – September 2023
Intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) is an acquired brain injury characterized by bleeding inside or around the ventricles. We examined the proportion of infants born at 22 to 29 weeks’ gestational age diagnosed with any IVH, grades 1 through 4, and severe IVH, grades 3 and 4.
Commentary from Katelin Kramer, MD and Elizabeth Rogers, MD explores quality improvement approaches and preventative strategies to address IVH.