VON for Health Equity
VON teams act on our ethical responsibility to follow through for infants and families.
What does it mean to follow through?
“Follow through” is a comprehensive approach that begins before birth and continues into childhood involving health professionals, families, and communities as partners to meet the social as well as medical needs of infants and families.
Health and well being are largely determined by race, ethnicity, income, immigration status, and local neighborhood. The effects are pronounced for infants in NICU care.
There is much that we can and must do to address the social determinants of health.
VON teams are dedicated to follow through to address the social determinants of health with the same energy and expertise that we devote to the technical aspects of care.
Use these resources to follow through at your center:
Potentially Better Practices
Practical Guides
Evidence-Based Education
Quality Improvement for Follow Through
Health equity is a core principle of VON quality improvement
VON members participating in improvement programs and courses take a structured and evidence-based approach to quality improvement, including incorporating VON Potentially Better Practices for Follow Through in their projects.
Let us help your center pursue equity-focused QI in these programs: