Expanded Database
Procedures, Interventions, and Outcomes Data Collected on All NICU Admissions
- Admission to a neonatal intensive care unit within 28 days of birth
- Death anywhere in the hospital within 28 days of birth
Data Items
- Birth location, weight and head circumference, birth defects, maternal characteristics
- Delivery and initial resuscitation
- Respiratory care
- Surgery
- Mortality and neonatal morbidities
- Status at discharge including human milk feeding and respiratory support
- Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, seizures, therapeutic hypothermia, meconium aspiration
- Length of stay
Data Submission
- Free data collection and submission software, called eNICQ 6, provided as a benefit of membership. eNICQ 6 is a Windows application that uses the .NET framework and a SQL Server database. Its features include:
- A patient log, with the ability to sort and filter records
- An easy-to-use interface for inputting patient data
- Context-sensitive help, including data-item definitions and ranges embedded within the data entry forms
- Extensive error checking of data, which provide immediate feedback on data quality and accuracy as data is being entered
- The ability to import data files, allowing patient data to be extracted from another system and imported for error checking and submission
- Multi-center support, with the ability to enter and submit data for multiple Vermont Oxford Network centers in the same database
- Electronic data submission (EDS) via CSV or XML files uploaded through a secure HTTPS connection
VON reports and reporting tools help members identify opportunities to improve care for infants and families. Members can track performance over time to benchmark their practices and outcomes against previous years, subgroups of similar centers, and the network as a whole.
The confidential, customized reports document patient characteristics, treatment practices, morbidity, mortality, and length of stay at each center. Additional reporting tools show up-to-date information based on a center’s discharge data.
Reports show comprehensive and up-to-date information on patient demographics, outcomes, and interventions, including:
- Center, group, and network data
- Specific characteristics, outcomes, and procedures for individual infants
- Risk-adjusted outcome data
- Data based on discharge dates, which means the information is as up-to-date as the last entry submitted by the center (optional)
Groups of centers and centers exploring specific concerns can receive custom reports. We also publish summary results for the entire network, which are available to members annually.
The annual fee for the Expanded Database (all NICU admissions) is based on number of hospital beds. The Very Low Birth Weight database fee is included in the Expanded database fee.
- Hospitals with fewer than 250 staffed beds: $6,900.
- Hospitals with 250-500 beds: $8,550.
- Children’s hospitals and hospitals with more than 500 beds: $10,200.
Group reporting and pricing is available.
How to Join
- Please check the Member Map to make sure your center is not already a member.
- If not, please complete a membership application and submit by email to membership@vtoxford.org or fax to 802.865.9613
- We will send you a membership agreement and an initial invoice when we receive your membership application.
- Please note that we require an actual signature (not a digital signature) on the membership agreement.
- After you sign the membership agreement, you may scan it and send it to us by email or fax.
- When we have the completed application, signed agreement, and initial payment, your membership is complete. You will receive a welcome packet with the name and contact information for your Account Manager.
Thank you for your interest in Vermont Oxford Network. We look forward to working with you.