Annual Quality Congress

Improving Together for All Infants and Families

The Vermont Oxford Network Annual Quality Congress gathered our worldwide community dedicated to improving the quality, safety, and value of care for newborn infants and families. Participants included newborn care providers of all disciplines and families who shared their experiences as equal members of the improvement team. The multi-day event featured faculty at the leading edge of technology, world leaders in neonatology, and experts in improvement science. Teams gathered to share improvement stories and generate new ideas to implement at their center.

While we are no longer hosting a large annual gathering, we still have much to learn from each other as we strive to improve together for all infants and families in the NICU and beyond.

Save the Date! The next VON Quality Congress will be November 5-8, 2026 in Chicago, IL!

Continue Learning in the VON Improvement Library

Videos of presentations and improvement stories from teams are available in the VON Improvement Library, including special topics like antibiotic stewardship, genomic medicine, and quality improvement foundations. Teams participating in VON QI projects also shared progress on their data-driven projects with posters organized by topic. Log in to view material from previous VON Annual Quality Congress meetings.

Looking for the AAP/VON Scholar Awards?

See application information and previous AAP/VON Scholars.